List your startup and get noticed by investors and peers

Are you a vegan startup looking to gain visibility in your industry and connect with investors and peers? Look no further than our ecosystem maps! By listing your startup on our maps, you'll be featured in future articles and considered to pitch at one of our future pitch events, gaining exposure to a wider audience.

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It only takes a few minutes and it's free

Adding your startup to our maps is a great way to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and investors. By networking with others in your industry, you'll be able to learn from their experiences and potentially form valuable partnerships.

Simply start by creating your personal Vevolution account and personal profile. Then, add your startup. Once done, your startup will automatically be shown on all ecosystem maps of the categories and industries you selected.

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Are you looking for funding?

If you're currently fundraising, listing on our maps is even more crucial. Our unique tech allows you to not only list your startup, but also connect with mission-aligned investors who can help take your business to the next level.

Investment platform and pitch events

By listing your round on Vevolution, our community of verified impact investors can discover your startup through our unique deal flow technology. Additionally, you are considered to pitch at one of our future pitch events.

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Vevolution Fundraising Tool